The artwork titled “Portrait of Maffeo Barberini,” created by the renowned artist Caravaggio around the year 1598, is an oil painting on canvas, exemplifying the Baroque and Tenebrism art movements. Measuring 124 by 99 centimeters, this portrait is part of a private collection. The subject of the painting, Maffeo Barberini, is depicted with meticulous attention to detail and a dramatic use of light and shadow characteristic of Tenebrism.
In the artwork, Maffeo Barberini is portrayed seated, with his body turned slightly to the left. He is dressed in a dark robe and a biretta, capturing the elegant and authoritative presence of Barberini. Caravaggio’s mastery is evident in the realistic rendering of the textures and the play of light and shadow, particularly on Barberini’s face and hands. The background is dark, which not only emphasizes the figure of Barberini but also adds a sense of solemnity and focus to his visage and expression. Caravaggio’s characteristic use of chiaroscuro enhances the three-dimensionality of the portrait, creating a lifelike and imposing representation of Barberini.