The artwork titled “Portrait of Maria Carbona” is a creation by the renowned artist Salvador Dali, dated to the year 1925. This piece is an oil painting on cardboard that measures 52.6 by 39.2 centimeters. Reflecting elements of the Post-Impressionist movement, this portrait genre artwork is currently housed at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) located in Montreal, Canada.
The artwork presents a portrait of a woman, presumably Maria Carbona, captured in a delicate yet striking pose. Dali’s rendition showcases his proficiency with a fine draftsmanship that belies the later surrealistic style he would become famous for. The subject’s gaze is directed slightly off to the side, engaging with something beyond the viewer’s field of vision, and her facial expression is serene with a trace of contemplativeness. Her attire appears soft, emphasizing folds and fabric that wrap around her form, and a single curl falls elegantly along the side of her face, adding to the refined and composed essence of the portrait. The monochromatic tonality suggests a focus on form and shadow, rather than color, distinguishing the work within Dali’s broader oeuvre which is typically noted for its vibrant palette and dream-like scenes.