The artwork titled “Portrait of My Father” was painted by Salvador Dalí, a renowned artist, between 1920 and 1921. The medium employed for this piece is oil on canvas, and the style is indicative of Post-Impressionism. Dimensions of this portrait are 91 by 66.5 cm. As indicated by its genre, it is a portrayal of Dalí’s father, and it currently resides at the Dalí Theatre and Museum in Figueres, Spain.
The artwork depicts an older gentleman, presumably Salvador Dalí’s father, standing in profile with a strong, dignified presence. He is dressed formally in a dark suit with a watch chain prominently displayed against his vest. His face seems introspective and solemn, gazing into the distance with a certain gravity. The background contrasts sharply with the subdued tones of his attire, featuring an explosion of vibrant, almost fiery colors that seem to portray a dynamic sky or possibly a reflection of the artist’s perception of his father’s inner vitality or the tumultuous nature of their relationship. In the lower section of the work, we see faint impressions of a landscape and a figure in motion, adding to the dynamic and complex nature of the piece. The brushwork is loose and expressive, typical of the Post-Impressionist movement, which sought to convey emotion and personal interpretation over precise realism.