“Portrait of Paul Alexander on green background,” created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1909 in Paris, France, is an evocative oil painting on canvas. The artwork, associated with the Expressionism movement, features dimensions of 100 x 81 cm and belongs to the portrait genre. Currently, it resides within a private collection.
The artwork depicts a distinguished gentleman named Paul Alexander, confidently posed against a green background. His face is characterized by the elongated features and sharp contours typical of Modigliani’s style, with a pronounced beard and mustache framing his somber expression. The figure is dressed in a dark suit, standing with one hand on his hip, evoking a sense of self-assurance. The background is enriched with a deep, muted green that emphasizes the subject’s serious demeanor and the warm lighting on the left side of the canvas. The brushstrokes display Modigliani’s keen eye for texture and his unique approach to portraying the human form.