The artwork titled “Portrait of Paul Alexandre” was created by Amedeo Modigliani in the year 1909 while he was in Paris, France. Executed in oil on canvas, the work belongs to the Expressionism movement and measures 100 by 81 centimeters. It is a portrait genre painting and is currently housed in the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan.
In this artwork, the subject, Paul Alexandre, is depicted with a striking intensity, characteristic of Modigliani’s distinct style. The elongated, angular lines of the face and the deep, penetrating gaze capture a contemplative moment. The artist’s use of dark, muted tones in the background contrasts with the more vividly rendered figure in the foreground, drawing attention to the subject’s prominent features and thoughtful expression. The composition is simple yet deeply expressive, embodying the emotional depth and raw psychological insight typical of the Expressionist movement. The understated, almost austere color palette and the subtle play of light and shadow further enhance the introspective atmosphere of the portrait.