The artwork titled “Portrait of Savva Mamontov” is an oil on canvas creation by the renowned artist Ilya Repin, dated to the year 1880. As an exemplar of the Realism art movement, this portrait successfully captures a vivid representation of its subject in a naturalistic and lifelike manner. The piece stands out within the genre of portraiture and is currently housed at the Bakhrushin Theater Museum in Moscow, Russia.
The artwork portrays Savva Mamontov, who is depicted as a dignified and thoughtful figure. Mamontov’s expression is contemplative, suggesting a man of depth and intelligence. He is dressed in a white shirt with the top button undone and is seated in a relaxed pose with his hand comfortably resting under his chin, reinforcing a sense of casual elegance. The warmth of the subject’s skin tone is contrasted against the darker background, which accentuates the focus on his face and the detail of his facial hair and keen gaze. The brushwork is detailed and nuanced, emphasizing the artist’s skill in capturing the subtle qualities of personality and mood. The light in the portrait is masterfully applied, casting gentle highlights on the subject’s face and shirt, which adds to the three-dimensional effect and enhances the naturalism that is characteristic of Repin’s style.