The artwork “Portrait of Stephane Mallarme” was created by the renowned artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir in 1892. This oil on canvas painting is a fine example of the Impressionism movement and falls within the portrait genre. As of the last known documentation, the artwork resides within a private collection.
The artwork captures the likeness of Stephane Mallarme, who appears contemplative and poised. Renoir’s use of quick, visible brushstrokes imbues the portrait with a sense of immediacy and intimacy, characteristic of Impressionist technique. The color palette is muted, dominated by earthy, warm tones that suggest both simplicity and depth, around the figure who is highlighted with more contrast. The subject’s gaze is slightly averted, lending a sense of pensiveness to the portrait. Renoir’s skill in capturing the subtle interplay of light and the complexity of human expression is evident in this work.