“Portrait of the Artist as a Young Derelict,” created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1982, is an artwork executed using acrylic, oil, and ink on wood. This piece, associated with the Neo-Expressionism and Street Art movements, measures 204 x 208.5 cm and belongs to the figurative genre. The artwork is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork is a compelling and vivid composition, comprising multiple panels, each adorned with Basquiat’s signature iconography and symbolic motifs. It presents a confluence of abstract forms, graffiti-like text, and raw, emotive imagery. The central motifs include a crudely-rendered human figure, Basquiat’s iconic crown, and various abstract shapes interspersed with textual annotations. The use of vibrant colors alongside stark black and white contrasts creates a dynamic and visually arresting piece that embodies the raw energy and rebellious spirit characteristic of Basquiat’s work.