“Portrait of Vava,” created by Marc Chagall around 1955 in France, is a profound piece of Naïve Art (Primitivism) rendered in oil on canvas. This portrait, which resides in a private collection, stands at dimensions of 95 x 73 cm and captures the essence of its subject through vibrant colors and imaginative composition.
The artwork depicts a woman, presumably Vava, adorned in a bright red dress, her serene expression gazing towards the viewer. She holds a lavish bouquet of flowers characterized by Chagall’s dynamic use of color and texture. The background features a dreamlike, abstract scene with undefined forms and figures, enveloped in dark, swirling shades that contrast with the vibrant foreground. The elements within the background, including the large curved shape and the spectral faces, evoke a mystical atmosphere. Chagall’s distinct style is evident in the way he merges reality with fantasy, creating an ethereal portrayal that transcends conventional portraiture.