The artwork titled “Portrait of Vera Repina, the Artist’s Wife,” created by the renowned artist Ilya Repin in 1876, is a fine example of the Realism art movement. Crafted in oil on canvas, the painting measures 59 by 49 centimeters and is of the portrait genre. Capturing the likeness of his spouse, Repin has skillfully rendered her form and expression with a keen eye for detail and a deft hand, characteristic of his style and the Realist ethos.
In the artwork, Vera Repina is depicted with a direct gaze that engages the viewer, her face the focal point of the composition. She wears a dark outfit adorned with a lace collar and a black tie, which contrasts with her light skin tone. Her attire is topped with a stylish hat embellished with what appears to be an ornate feather arrangement, adding a touch of elegance and contemporary fashion to her ensemble. The background is subdued, using neutral tones to ensure that Vera’s figure and facial features are the main subjects of attention. The brushstrokes vary in texture and thickness, lending a sense of vitality and immediacy to the portrait. Repin’s signature and the date of the painting are discreetly placed in the lower right corner, a testament to the genuine authenticity of this intimate portrayal of his wife.