The artwork titled “poster advertising France Champagne,” created by Pierre Bonnard in 1891, employs the medium of lithography and belongs to the Japonism art movement. Measuring 60 x 80 cm, this piece serves as an advertisement poster and is currently housed at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) in Paris, France.
The artwork prominently features a stylized depiction of a woman with elaborate, flowing hair pouring champagne into a glass, effectively capturing the celebratory essence associated with the beverage. The background is predominantly yellow, with bold black lettering that reads “FRANCE-CHAMPAGNE” prominently displayed across the top. Additional text provides details about the proprietor, E. DEBRAY, and the address for the bureau de représentations in Paris. Bonnard’s use of fluid lines and vibrant color palette, combined with the influence of Japonism, creates a visually engaging and dynamic advertisement that imbues the scene with a sense of luxury and festivity.