The artwork, titled “Potato Harvest with Two Figures,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1884 in Nuenen, Netherlands. Executed with ink on paper, the piece belongs to the Realism movement and falls under the genre of sketch and study. Currently housed in a private collection, this artwork depicts two figures engaged in the laborious task of harvesting potatoes.
In the artwork, two figures are prominently featured, bending over as they tend to the field, suggesting a moment of arduous labor. Their forms are rendered with a sense of weight and toil, epitomizing van Gogh’s Realist approach. The background presents a simple yet evocative landscape, capturing the essence of the rural environment where the scene unfolds. Minimalistic in detail, the sketch focuses on the physicality and motion of the figures rather than elaborating intricate details. Van Gogh’s choice of ink on paper lends the piece a raw and immediate quality, emphasizing the honest depiction of everyday rural life, characteristic of the Realism movement.