The artwork, titled “Presentation of Jesus at the Temple,” was created by Andrei Rublev around the year 1410 in Moscow, Russian Federation. This tempera painting on wood falls under the Byzantine and Moscow school of icon painting art movements and is one of a series painted for the Annunciation Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. Measuring 81 by 61.5 centimeters, it represents a religious icon and is housed in the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Moscow, Russia.
The artwork depicts the biblical scene of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, a moment of great significance in Christian iconography. Rublev’s mastery is evident in the delicate rendering of the figures, the harmonious use of vibrant colors, and the spiritual expression conveyed through the poses and facial expressions. The halos, common in Byzantine art, emphasize the sanctity of the figures, while the architectural elements, including arches and columns, provide a framing backdrop that situates the event within a sacred space. The use of tempera on wood, typical of the period, adds a rich texture to the painting, enhancing its visual and emotional impact.