The artwork titled “Preserved Peaches,” created by Janet Fish in 1975, exemplifies the Contemporary Realism movement. Portrayed as a still life, this piece embodies the artist’s attention to the realistic representation of its subject with a modern sensibility.
The artwork depicts a glass jar containing preserved peaches, as seen from a front and slightly elevated perspective. The glass jar, with its intricate wire clasp and rubber sealing ring, is rendered with a high degree of detail, showcasing the liquidity and translucency of the preserved fruit. The composition is vibrant, emphasizing the contrasting textures and colors. The peaches themselves have a luscious, golden hue, suggestive of the syrupy medium in which they are steeped. One can discern the delicate balance between light and shadow, illustrating the artist’s skilled manipulation of color to convey three-dimensionality and the tactile quality of the peaches. The background is less detailed, ensuring that the focus remains on the jar and its contents, further accentuating the realism of the subject matter.