The artwork titled “Profile of young dutchwoman” is a creation of the renowned artist Pablo Picasso, completed in the year 1905. The medium used for this artwork consists of chalk and Indian ink on paper, reflecting Picasso’s versatility in using different materials for his compositions. It belongs to the Expressionism movement, a genre known for conveying emotional experience rather than physical reality. The dimensions of this portrait are relatively modest, measuring 12 by 16 centimeters.
The artwork captures the profile of a young woman with distinct expressionist features. The use of chalk and Indian ink allows for contrast and depth, emphasizing the contours of the subject’s face and headgear. The strokes appear somewhat brisk and dynamic, a characteristic of Expressionism, which aims to express the subjective feelings and emotions of the artist. Picasso’s signature adjacent to the year adds a personal touch, indicating the artist’s connection to the work. Despite its small size, the portrait effectively showcases Picasso’s skill in portraying human figures and his exploratory spirit in the early 20th century.