The artwork titled “Promenade by the Sea,” created around 1860 by the artist Edgar Degas, is a genre painting executed in oil on canvas. It is associated with the Impressionism movement and is part of a private collection. This image depicts a coastal scene, expressed through light brushstrokes and a leisurely subject, common for Impressionism, which sought to capture moments of life and the play of light.
The image portrays two figures, likely male, riding horses along a beachside promenade. The riders, whose backs are turned to the viewer, are dressed in formal attire, including top hats, suggesting a scene from the 19th century when such fashion was commonplace. The figures and horses are rendered with quick, loose brushstrokes, indicative of Degas’ style and the practices of the Impressionist movement.
In the background, the sea meets the horizon with a gentle calmness, while on the right, incomplete sketches of figures suggest an unfinished portion of the canvas, giving insight into Degas’ creative process. The cliffs and distant structures also contribute to the sense of place and time of day, most likely indicating a serene late afternoon. The overall effect is one of tranquility and leisure, with the muted palette and sketch-like application of paint perfectly capturing a fleeting moment typical of the Impressionist genre.