The artwork titled “Prophets,” created by Fra Angelico in 1447, is a fresco situated on a wall within the Duomo di Orvieto in Orvieto, Italy. This piece, executed in the Early Renaissance period, belongs to the genre of religious painting, embodying the stylistic and thematic elements characteristic of that era.
The artwork portrays a group of venerable figures, who are the prophets, depicted with serene expressions and gestures. These figures are seated together in what appears to be a celestial setting, highlighted by the gold background, a typical feature of religious frescoes from the Early Renaissance. The use of vivid colors and the detailed depiction of their robes and facial expressions exemplify Fra Angelico’s mastery in creating a sense of divine presence and reverence. The architectural framework surrounding the central scene, adorned with intricate geometric patterns and designs, adds grandeur and emphasizes the spiritual significance of the prophets.