The artwork, titled “Psychedelic Double Portrait” created by Michael Johnson around 1966, is a noteworthy piece from the Pop Art movement. This artwork features two faces that are symmetrically aligned and set against a vivid circular background dominated by shades of blue and adorned with a crescent moon and stars. Encircling the blue is a border with bands of orange, purple, and pink, adding to the artwork’s vibrant and psychedelic aesthetic. Below the faces, a prominently placed intricate flower serves as the focal point, harmonizing with the overall color scheme. The expressive faces and vivid colors together emphasize the surreal and visually engaging nature characteristic of the Pop Art era.
Psychedelic Double Portrait (c.1966) by Michael Johnson
Artwork Information
Title | Psychedelic Double Portrait |
Artist | Michael Johnson |
Date | c.1966 |
Art Movement | Pop Art |