The artwork, titled “Railway Carriages,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888 in Arles, located in Bouches-du-Rhône, France. This oil on canvas painting is a vivid representation of the Post-Impressionism art movement and belongs to the landscape genre. It is currently housed at the Musée Angladon in Avignon, France.
In “Railway Carriages,” van Gogh captures the essence of a countryside scene with a train in the background. The railway carriages are depicted with robust colors and bold brushstrokes, typical of van Gogh’s style. The foreground features a rugged, earthy path leading towards the railway, bordered by patches of green grass and foliage. The sky above is rendered in greenish hues, creating an expressive and dynamic backdrop. The artwork reflects a moment of everyday rural life, infused with the emotional depth and vibrant color palette characteristic of van Gogh’s Post-Impressionist vision.