“Reclining Nude with Blue Cushion,” created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1917 in Paris, France, is an exquisite piece of artwork belonging to the Expressionism movement. This oil on canvas painting, measuring 60 x 92 cm, is a notable example of a nude painting (nu). The artwork is part of the Nathan Cummings Collection located in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork depicts a nude woman reclining on a blue cushion against a dark, richly textured background. The woman’s body is elongated and stylized, featuring the characteristic elongated forms typical of Modigliani’s style. Her serene expression and the softness of her flesh contrast with the bold, simplified lines of her figure. The color palette is warm, with earthy tones dominating and the blue cushion providing a striking contrast. Modigliani’s use of color and form in this painting beautifully exemplifies his unique approach to the human figure, blending sensuality with a sense of tranquility.