The artwork, titled “Red-haired young man,” was created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1919 in Paris, France. Utilizing the medium of oil on canvas, this piece is a prime example of the expressionist movement and falls under the portrait genre. Currently, the artwork is held in a private collection.
“Red-haired young man” illustrates Modigliani’s distinctive style characterized by elongated forms and melancholic expressions. The subject, a young man with striking red hair, is depicted seated against a neutral background. His elongated face, neck, and hands, as well as the subtle use of colors and shadows, embody the stylistic tendencies of expressionism. The sitter bears a contemplative and somewhat distant expression, further enhanced by the penetrating blue eyes subtly rendered by Modigliani. The muted palette and minimal details direct the focus towards the subject, highlighting the emotive and introspective nature of the portrait.