The artwork, titled “Red-headed Girl in Evening Dress,” was created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1918, in Paris, France. Rendered in oil on canvas, this expressionist portrait measures 116.2 x 73 cm. The painting portrays a young red-headed woman adorned in an evening dress, showcasing the artist’s distinctive style. This piece is part of the Barnes Foundation collection located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The artwork depicts a seated young woman with vibrant red hair, dressed in a strapless evening gown. She is posed with one arm resting on the back of her chair, conveying a sense of relaxed elegance. The figure’s elongated neck and angular features are characteristic of Modigliani’s portrayal of his subjects. The background is rendered in cool tones, which contrasts with the warm hues of her hair and dress, emphasizing the subject’s prominence in the composition. The artist’s brushstrokes create a textured and dynamic surface, contributing to the emotional depth and expression of the piece.