The artwork titled “Redheaded Woman Wearing a Pendant,” created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1918 in Paris, France, is an oil-on-canvas painting. It belongs to the Expressionism art movement and is categorized as a portrait. The painting features a portrayal of a redheaded woman adorned with a pendant, rendered in Modigliani’s distinctive style.
In the artwork, the redheaded woman is depicted seated against a neutral, textured background. Her hair, a vibrant red, contrasts sharply with the muted tones of the background and her attire. The woman’s elongated neck and face are signature elements of Modigliani’s style, emphasizing his unique approach to portraiture. She wears a dark, strapless dress that reveals her fair, peach-toned skin. The delicate pendant around her neck draws attention to her graceful posture and serene, introspective expression. The overall composition of the painting combines elegant simplicity with the emotional depth characteristic of the Expressionism movement, capturing both the physical likeness and the inner essence of the subject.