The artwork “Rider in a Red Coat” was created by Edgar Degas in 1868 and is an example of genre painting within the Impressionist movement. This artwork was rendered using brushes and wash, exhibiting a distinct impressionistic style. The piece measures 43.6 by 27.6 centimeters and is currently housed in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, France.
In this artwork, Edgar Degas portrays a rider dressed in an eye-catching red coat. The rider is viewed from behind and to the left, sitting atop a horse, which is only partially visible and sketched with loose lines. The horse’s light form contrasts with the bold red of the rider’s coat, creating a sense of movement and dynamism. Although the horse’s head and the front portion of the rider are not depicted, Degas masterfully conveys the scene’s essence with energetic brushstrokes and a subtle interplay between form and negative space. The background of the work is subdued, allowing the viewer’s attention to focus on the figure of the rider and the suggestion of the horse. The implication of movement and the fleeting moment captured in this piece are typical of Degas’ ability to convey life and energy in his works, which aligns closely with the principles of Impressionism.