“Rising Tide,” created by Simon StÃ¥lenhag in 2016, is a work of digital art within the illustration genre. This artwork exemplifies StÃ¥lenhag’s skillful blending of speculative futures with a grounded sense of reality.
The artwork features an intricate, futuristic scene with structural elements suggestive of organic architecture and bioluminescent lighting. A mesmerizing blue hue envelops the composition, creating an ethereal atmosphere. The domed structure, adorned with elaborate patterns and crowned with a sign reading “TARAIL,” draws the viewer’s attention to its intricate design. Beneath this grand canopy, various individuals, seemingly captivated by their surroundings, populate the scene, providing a sense of scale and human interest. Lush vegetation intermingles with the technological elements, further enhancing the surreal, otherworldly ambiance.