The artwork titled “Road under Snow, Louveciennes,” created by the artist Alfred Sisley around the year 1876, is an oil painting on canvas. It measures 46 by 55 centimeters and belongs to the Impressionism art movement, depicting a serene landscape genre. Currently held in a private collection, this painting exemplifies the refined and evocative qualities typical of Sisley’s work and Impressionism.
The artwork portrays a tranquil winter scene, capturing a snow-covered road in Louveciennes, a commune in the Île-de-France region. The road is bordered by trees and structures blanketed in soft snow, conveying a serene and hushed atmosphere. The composition includes two figures walking along the path, adding a sense of scale and life to the serene landscape. Sisley’s deft use of light and shadow, coupled with his loose brushstrokes, imbues the painting with a delicate, atmospheric quality. The muted color palette, dominated by whites, blues, and earthy tones, enhances the wintry ambiance, demonstrating Sisley’s mastery in depicting seasonal landscapes.