The artwork titled “Robert Louis Stevenson and his wife,” painted by John Singer Sargent in 1885, is an oil painting on canvas adhering to the Realism movement. The dimensions of the portrait are 52.1 x 62.2 cm, and it currently resides within a private collection.
In the artwork, Robert Louis Stevenson is depicted standing in the foreground, exuding a reflective and somewhat introspective posture, characterized by his somewhat informal attire and thoughtful expression. His wife is positioned in the background, seated on a chair partially overshadowed by the dim lighting, thus adding a sense of depth and contrast to the composition. The background includes elements of a rustic room with dark, muted tones that evoke a sense of intimacy and domesticity. The doorway behind Stevenson provides a glimpse into another room, enhancing the portrayal’s sense of depth and realism. The overall mood of the piece encapsulates a moment of quiet interaction between the subjects, showcasing Sargent’s adept skill in rendering human presence and emotion through his masterful application of oil on canvas.