The artwork titled “Rock and Infuriated Horse Sleeping Under the Sea” was created by the prominent artist Salvador Dali in 1947. This work can be classified within the artistic movements of Neo-baroque and Surrealism, further categorized into the symbolic painting genre. Dali’s piece embodies the unique dreamlike and fantastical elements that are characteristic of his oeuvre, often provoking thought through its complex imagery and metaphors.
The artwork presents a monochromatic scene, filled with contrasts and dramatic forms. A central figure, the horse, appears to be in an agitated state, its mane and tail drawn with dynamic strokes that evoke movement and tension. The position of the horse implies an interaction with the rock formation it stands on, suggesting a visceral connection between the animate and inanimate elements. The backdrop features craggy textures and a deep cavernous setting, which adds a level of mystery to the piece, typical of Surrealist work. The composition leans heavily on symbolic interpretation, inviting viewers to delve into the subconscious meanings behind such an ethereal conjunction of rock, horse, and the implied aquatic environment beneath the sea.