The artwork titled “Roshi Ensei lifting a heavy beam” was created by the artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi and belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement. It is categorized under the genre of portrait.
The artwork depicts a powerful and muscular figure, Roshi Ensei, engaged in the act of lifting a substantial beam. His muscular form is adorned with intricate tattoos, displaying his strength and determination. The tattoos are elaborate, covering much of his body, and adding to the dynamic nature of the piece. His posture, with a raised arm and flexed muscles, conveys immense effort and physical exertion. The background features traditional patterns and colors, characteristic of the Ukiyo-e style, enhancing the vividness and energy of the scene. The balance between the detailed tattoos, the figure’s intense expression, and the vibrant background encapsulates the cultural and artistic essence of the period.