The artwork, titled “Rowing Boats on the Banks of the Oise at Auvers,” was created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1890 in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. Executed in oil on canvas, this masterpiece epitomizes the Post-Impressionism art movement. The dimensions of the painting are 186 x 238 cm, categorizing it under genre painting. Currently, the artwork is housed at the Detroit Institute of Arts in Detroit, Michigan, USA.
This visually striking piece captures a tranquil riverside scene where several rowing boats are moored along the verdant banks of the Oise River. The boats, painted in vibrant, contrasting hues, are foregrounded against lush foliage rendered in swirling, expressive brushstrokes characteristic of Van Gogh’s style. The azure sky and shimmering water imbue the painting with a sense of immediacy and fluidity. In the scene, human figures are discernible, engaging with the boats, adding a subtle narrative element to the overall composition. The color palette and dynamic application of paint highlight Van Gogh’s mastery in conveying both the vibrancy of nature and the serene leisure of rural life.