The artwork titled “Rrose Sélavy alias Marcel Duchamp” was created by Man Ray in 1921, and belongs to the Dada art movement. This photograph features Marcel Duchamp cross-dressed as his female alter ego, Rrose Sélavy. The genre of the artwork is a photo.
The artwork is a monochromatic photograph that exudes an aura of introspection and enigma. Marcel Duchamp, disguised as Rrose Sélavy, dons a stylish hat adorned with a geometric pattern that enhances the surreal quality of the image. The fur collar around Duchamp’s neck adds a touch of sophistication and glamor. The delicate gesture of his hand near his face accentuates the contemplative expression. The inscription in the top left corner denotes a personal note from Man Ray, and the bottom right bears a cursive dedication by Duchamp’s alter ego, “Rrose Sélavy alias Marcel Duchamp”. The photograph is both a serious exploration of identity and an emblematic example of the playful yet provocative spirit of the Dada movement.