“Saint John the Baptist” is an esteemed work created in 1408 by the renowned artist Andrei Rublev. This piece originates from Vladimiro-Aleksandrovskoye, Russian Federation, and stands as a significant example of tempera on panel executed within the Byzantine and Moscow school of icon painting movements. Measuring 313 by 105 centimeters, the artwork depicts a religious icon and is part of a series of paintings specially crafted for the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. Currently, it is preserved and displayed at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia.
In the artwork, Saint John the Baptist is illustrated with a sense of solemnity and spiritual gravitas, depicted standing with a scroll in his hand. The figure is adorned in a cloak, rendered in muted tones, that drapes over his slender form. The use of tempera brings a depth and softness to the depiction, characteristic of Rublev’s artistry. The stylized rendering and iconographic details reflect the Byzantine influence, while the elongated form and expressive features align with the distinctive qualities of the Moscow school of icon painting. The background remains sparse, concentrating the viewer’s attention on the saintly figure, enhancing the devotional aspect of the piece.