The artwork, titled “Saint Nicholas,” was created by the artist or group known as “Orthodox Icons” and dates back to the period between approximately 1600 and 1700. It belongs to the Chernihiv school of icon painting, an art movement known for its religious iconography. This piece is categorized under the genre of “icon” and is part of a series focusing on saints.
In the artwork, Saint Nicholas is depicted standing in full clerical garments, richly adorned with intricate designs. His right hand is raised in a gesture of blessing while his left hand holds a pastoral staff. He is encircled by an elaborate halo, underscoring his sanctity. The background portrays a serene landscape with buildings that are characteristic of the period, adding both depth and context to the icon. The overall composition and use of color reflect the traditional style and religious significance inherent in the Chernihiv school of icon painting.