The artwork titled “Sale of Building Scrap,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1885, represents a scene from Nuenen, Netherlands. Executed in chalk on paper, this piece is categorized under the Realism movement and falls within the genre of sketches and studies. It is currently housed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
In the artwork, van Gogh employs a monochromatic palette using chalk to depict a gathering of individuals around a tall, looming structure. The sketch appears to illustrate an event involving the sale or exchange of building materials, as suggested by the group of people and the stacked array of items in the foreground. Rich in texture with the use of luminous and shadowy gradations, van Gogh captures both the architectural edifice and the activity surrounding it with fluid strokes and intricate details, reflecting his keen observation of everyday life and mastery in conveying atmospheric depth. The sketch, though simple in its medium and presentation, encapsulates a vivid snapshot of rural community interactions during the late 19th century.