The artwork titled “San Domenico Altarpiece,” created by the renowned artist Fra Angelico between 1424 and 1430, is a notable panel tempera painting from the Early Renaissance art movement. This religious painting, part of the “San Domenico Altarpiece” series, measures 212 x 237 cm and is located in the Convent of San Domenico in Fiesole, Italy.
The “San Domenico Altarpiece” depicts a serene and sacred scene centered around the Madonna and Child, surrounded by saints and angels, all rendered in intricate and vivid detail. The composition is marked by harmonious proportions and delicate coloration, characteristic of the Early Renaissance style. The figures are arranged symmetrically, with the Virgin Mary seated at the center, holding the Christ Child. The surrounding saints and angels exhibit a tender interaction, guiding the viewer’s gaze towards the central figures. The architectural background, with its arches and columns, not only frames the holy figures but also imparts a sense of depth and perspective, underscoring Fra Angelico’s mastery of spatial organization and theological narrative. Adjacent panels on the altarpiece further enhance the grandeur and reverence of the composition, making it a quintessential example of devotional art from the period.