The artwork, titled “Sandal Maker, Tomb of Rekhmire,” was created in ancient Egypt around c.1479 – c.1400 BC during the New Kingdom period. It belongs to the genre painting movement, focusing on daily life activities.
In this artwork, a sandal maker is depicted seated, engaged in the meticulous craft of sandal-making. The sandal maker is portrayed in the process of working on a sandal, holding it in his hands while he uses his mouth to assist in the task, a common technique seen in depictions of ancient Egyptian craftsmanship. Adjacent to the main figure, various tools and materials essential for sandal-making, such as leather strips and wooden implements, are carefully illustrated, providing insight into the tools of the trade. The artist employs a traditional color palette with earth tones, which was characteristic of the period. The detailed depiction of the sandal maker at work offers a glimpse into the everyday life and vocational expertise of ancient Egyptian artisans.