The artwork, titled “Santa Maria del Carmelo and Scuola Grande dei Carmini,” was created by John Singer Sargent in 1910. This oil on canvas painting, belonging to the Impressionism art movement, depicts a cityscape with dimensions of 71.12 x 55.88 cm and is held in a private collection.
In the artwork, Sargent captures a luminous street scene featuring the architectural details of Santa Maria del Carmelo and the Scuola Grande dei Carmini. The painting showcases the play of light and shadow on the aged walls and windows of the buildings, creating a serene and timeless atmosphere. The use of warm, earthy tones and the attention to the texture of the surfaces emphasize the beauty of these historic structures. The composition, with its balance of light and shade, draws the viewer’s eye through the architectural elements, imparting a sense of place and moment in time.