“Scissors,” created by Louise Bourgeois in 1994 in the United States, is a work of Conceptual Art categorized as still life. The artwork portrays an image of scissors, rendered in a straightforward and unembellished style, consistent with the aesthetics of the Conceptual Art movement.
In this artwork, Bourgeois has depicted a pair of scissors, centrally positioned against a plain, neutral background. The scissors are illustrated with meticulous detail, highlighting their large, exaggerated handles and sharp, pointed blades. Nested within the larger pair is a smaller pair of scissors, adding a layer of visual interest and depth to the composition. The simplicity of the depiction allows for an emphasis on the form and function of the object, inviting viewers to contemplate its conceptual significance. The lack of a complex background ensures that the focus remains entirely on the scissors, emblematic of the still life genre.