The artwork titled “Seated Man with a Beard” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1886 in Paris, France. This piece, rendered in chalk on paper, is a representative example of the Realism movement and belongs to the genre of sketch and study. The artwork is currently housed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a bearded man seated, captured in a moment of introspection or contemplation. The figure’s posture is relaxed, with one hand resting on his knee and the other supporting his head. The lines vary in intensity, showcasing the artist’s technique of using strong, bold strokes to define contours and softer lines to convey texture and depth. The man’s attire appears simple and unadorned, emphasizing the realism inherent in van Gogh’s approach. The use of chalk on paper gives the piece an intriguing blend of rough and delicate qualities, further enhancing the viewer’s perception of the man’s quiet and thoughtful demeanor.