The artwork titled “Second Record Painting,” created by artist Howard Finster in 1994, belongs to the Art Brut movement and is classified under the cityscape genre. This piece encapsulates Finster’s distinctive style, which is characterized by its untrained, raw aesthetic and vivid, whimsical imagery.
In the artwork, a number of tall, triangular buildings are prominently displayed, their facades painted in striking hues of red, white, and blue against a background of pastel-colored structures. The scene is brought to life with an array of detailed elements and figures scattered throughout, portraying an active, bustling environment. The canvas itself is circular, and the composition radiates an almost playful sense of harmony and structure. The detailed scenery, vibrant color palette, and unique, raw artistic style collectively reflect the essence of Art Brut, revealing Finster’s unorthodox yet deeply expressive vision of urban life.