The artwork, titled “Secretariat Chandigarh,” was created by the renowned artist Le Corbusier in 1953, located in Chandigarh, India. Exemplifying the Constructivism art movement, this piece of architecture represents a significant embodiment of modernist principles in urban design.
The Secretariat building in Chandigarh is a monumental structure characterized by its stark, functional aesthetic. It features a grid-like facade composed of repetitive geometrical elements, emphasizing simplicity and clarity of form. The use of exposed concrete as the primary material further highlights the minimalist approach taken by Le Corbusier, with the raw texture and unfinished surfaces creating a sense of honesty and unadorned realism. This building stands as a testament to Le Corbusier’s vision of creating functional, efficient spaces that align with the ideological underpinnings of Constructivism, focusing on both form and function in urban planning.