The artwork titled “Seki: Early Departure from the Daimyos Inn” by the artist Hiroshige, is a woodcut piece from the Ukiyo-e art movement. It is a genre painting that is part of the series “53 Stations of the Tokaido Road” and measures 37.3 by 25.4 cm. This masterful work is housed at the Brooklyn Museum in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork depicts a scene of early morning activity outside a daimyō’s inn. Various figures are engaged in tasks associated with the departure, illustrated with meticulous details. The background shows individuals preparing for travel, some carrying bags, while others appear to be conversing or bidding farewell. The ambiance conveyed is one of early morning, possibly just before dawn, indicated by the subdued lighting and the calm, industrious demeanor of the characters. The use of color and composition reflects the characteristics of Ukiyo-e, emphasizing the transient beauty of everyday life. The intricate patterns on the clothing and tents, mixed with the natural surroundings, showcase Hiroshige’s skill in capturing both movement and stillness in a single frame.