“Select-o-Mat Corolla,” created by Peter Phillips in 1972, is a notable artwork within the Pop Art movement, exemplified by its figurative genre. The artwork presents a vivid collage comprising various elements that overlap to form a complex and dynamic composition.
Central to the artwork is a representation of an automobile, specifically a Toyota Corolla, which is partially obscured but discernible by its characteristic features. Supplementing the car imagery are mechanical components, such as springs and automotive hoses, which contribute to the engineering theme. Additionally, the artwork incorporates geometric motifs like colorful, three-dimensional cubes which resemble Rubik’s Cubes, a checkerboard pattern, and other abstract shapes floating in the foreground and background. The entire composition is set against a backdrop of pastel hues and intersecting lines and curves, creating depth and movement. The integration of these disparate elements reflects the Pop Art movement’s characteristic blending of commercial and fine art.