The artwork titled “Self-Portrait” was created by the renowned artist Andy Warhol in 1986. Executed using the silkscreen technique, this piece is a notable example of the Pop Art movement, and as the name suggests, it falls under the genre of self-portraiture.
This particular self-portrait displays Warhol’s face emerging from a dark background with a dramatic, almost theatrical presence, accentuated by the vivid orange-red color that defines his features and hair. The hair appears to be styled in an exaggerated, spiky fashion that projects outward, adding a sense of dynamic energy to the composition. Warhol’s face, rendered with sharp contrasts and high detail, captures his expression with an almost ghostly intensity. The choice of color, combined with the stark background, lends the piece a bold, striking quality that is reflective of Warhol’s iconic style and his lasting impact on the Pop Art movement.