“Self Portrait as a Child,” created by Alexandre Cabanel in 1836, is an oil painting on canvas that is recognized for its adherence to the principles of academicism. Measuring 51 by 42 cm, this self-portrait is a prime example of Cabanel’s early work and is housed in the Musée Fabre in Montpellier, France.
The artwork depicts a young Alexandre Cabanel, rendered with remarkable realism and detail. The subject’s youthful face is depicted with soft, yet meticulous brushstrokes, capturing a contemplative and introspective expression. His attire, consisting of a brown garment and a white collar with a dark ribbon, is painted with a keen attention to texture and form. The background is subdued, ensuring that the focus remains on the figure of the young artist. The subtle use of light and shadow adds depth to the portrait, highlighting the delicate features of the child and enhancing the three-dimensional quality of the painting. This self-portrait not only showcases Cabanel’s skill and potential at a young age but also offers a glimpse into the academic artistry that he would come to masterfully develop in his later works.