“Self-Portrait (Camouflage)” is an artwork created by Andy Warhol in 1986. The piece, rendered in the medium of acrylic and silkscreen on canvas, measures 203.2 by 203.2 cm and belongs to the Pop Art movement. It is a self-portrait, wherein Warhol employs distinct artistic methods to present his likeness.
The artwork is characterized by its unique juxtaposition of camouflage patterns over Warhol’s own visage. The right side of the piece is dominated by traditional camouflage colors – shades of green, beige, and black – creating a stark contrast with the left side, where the partial image of Warhol’s face emerges from a dark, nearly black background. His distinctive hair and glasses are partially obscured and intertwined with the camouflage, signifying a blend of concealment and revelation. This interplay of visibility and obscurity invites a deeper contemplation of identity and persona, emblematic of Warhol’s exploration of self in his broader oeuvre.