The artwork, titled “Self Portrait Dedicated to Paul Gauguin,” is an exemplary piece by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh. Created in 1888 while van Gogh was in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France, this self-portrait embodies the essence of the Post-Impressionism art movement. Executed with oil on canvas, the painting measures 59.5 x 48.3 cm and is currently housed in the Fogg Museum (Harvard Art Museums), Cambridge, MA, USA. This self-portrait, as indicated by its title, was dedicated to van Gogh’s fellow artist and contemporary, Paul Gauguin.
The artwork features Vincent van Gogh’s portrayal of himself against a vivid green background. The bold and expressive brushstrokes characteristic of van Gogh’s style are evident, highlighting his distinctive use of color and texture. The artist’s facial expression is intense and introspective, with a focus on the eyes, suggesting a depth of thought and emotion. His attire is rendered in earthier tones, contrasting sharply with the bright backdrop, and includes a blue-rimmed jacket and a white shirt with a button on the collar. The composition and the contemplative mood captured in the artwork reflect van Gogh’s deep artistic connection and respect for Paul Gauguin.