The artwork titled “Self-Portrait in Bergen” is a significant piece by the renowned artist Edvard Munch, created in 1916. This oil on canvas painting embodies the Expressionist movement with its emotionally charged depiction. The dimensions of the artwork are 89.5 x 60 cm, and the genre is self-portrait. As of the most recent information available, it is housed at the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway.
The artwork presents a striking portrayal of the artist himself, with Munch’s visage foregrounded against a lively urban backdrop. His expression, rendered with broad, energetic strokes, conveys a sense of unrest and intensity. The color palette is notably muted, with earthy and somber tones dominating the composition. The background features an impression of the cityscape of Bergen, with architectural elements, figures, and the hustle and bustle of city life hinted at through Munch’s distinctive, gestural style. The brushwork is loose and dynamic, typical of the Expressionist approach to capture emotional resonance over realistic representation. The artwork encapsulates the artist’s introspective exploration and the characteristic angst that pervades much of Munch’s oeuvre.