“Self Portrait in Black Costume,” created by Giorgio de Chirico in 1948, is an oil painting on canvas that belongs to the Neo-Baroque art movement. The artwork, a self-portrait, showcases the artist himself adorned in an elaborate black costume, exuding a sense of grandeur and historical richness.
The artwork depicts de Chirico in a lavish, ornate outfit complete with intricate patterns and a feathered hat, set against a dramatic landscape background. The costume, reminiscent of Renaissance or Baroque attire, is detailed with gold and white embellishments. The setting features architectural elements like a columned arch intertwined with vegetation, leading the viewer to a body of water in the distance. The colors are rich and vivid, with a cloud-filled sky lending a feeling of depth and expansiveness. The overall composition highlights the artist’s prowess in capturing both period styling and a vivid, almost theatrical presence.