The artwork, titled “Self Portrait,” is a 2017 creation by Lisa Yuskavage. It falls within the Fantasy Art and Kitsch movements and is categorized as a nude figurative painting.
This evocative piece depicts a female figure, prominently situated against a backdrop dominated by warm, rich tones of red and orange. The subject is partially concealed by large, leafy plants in the foreground, and her figure is highlighted by dramatic lighting. She appears poised and self-assured, her nudity emphasized by the colorful socks she wears—one green and one blue—adding a whimsical element to the serious tone of the setting. The interplay of light and shadow creates a sense of depth and intimacy, drawing the viewer’s attention to the details of the scene, notably the intricate beadwork that adorns her body. The spatial composition and careful use of color contribute to the painting’s dreamlike and slightly surreal atmosphere, characteristic of the Fantasy Art genre while embracing a hint of Kitsch aesthetics.